The tensioned core in our high-quality diamond blades is made of high alloy, heat-treated steel as opposed to cheaper blades that are usually made of sheet metal which makes them prone to tension loss. By properly tensioning the core we make sure that the blade runs straight when
cutting and at the same time remains flexible enough to bend slightly under cutting pressure and then snap back into position. Depending on the application the blade is suited for, the core may contain different features, for example cooling holes for very hard materials.
The cutting edge of a blade consists of a mixture of diamonds and metal powders, the so-called bond. The more diamonds a segment contains, the more horsepower it needs to cut. This means that blades for high horsepower saws will generally have more diamonds in their segments.
But the diamonds are not the only important criteria, the bond also plays a crucial role in a blade’s cutting performance as it determines the strength of the material that can be cut by the blade. With time the diamonds fracture or are pulled out of the bond. Simultaneously the
bond wears away exposing new diamonds. Here it is important to select the right bond for the material being cut.

As a rule of thumb, the harder the material, the softer the bond should be and vice versa – opposites attract! When cutting very abrasive material such as asphalt the bond needs to be hard otherwise it will wear away too fast causing the diamonds to fall out too soon. A strong
bond however will support the diamonds and increase the life of the blade. When cutting a hard material such as hard clay pavers the bond needs to be soft or else it will not wear away fast enough resulting in the segments glazing over.
Contrary to common belief a hard blade will not cut everything. It will not cut hard product! Therefore, when selecting the right blade specification, consider which material will be cut most often or for which material the performance is most important.